Overwatch: ¡Novedades del Parche 1.44 en los Reinos de Pruebas!

Un nuevo parche se ha puesto en el PTR donde lo más destacado es la inclusión de algunos iconos nuevos que veremos en el killfeed y que podremos, estando en grupo, poner más de un rol en la cola de espera en el modo 2-2-2 (hasta ahora se podía pero solamente yendo en solitario).

Como siempre habrá un máximo de dos de cada función, si en nuestro grupo un rol ya está ocupado (por ejemplo los dos DPS), no podremos optar por ese rol, (no se podrá ser DPS en esa partida) y solo quedará ser los otros dos (tanque o apoyo).

Otro detalle, para los creadores de partidas personalizadas, es que se ha incluído la opción de elegir en qué servidor “alojar” la partida, para ver cuál podría dar mejor respuesta/ping a los jugadores.

Por cierto, debido al peso del “parche” (que es de más de 1 giga) muchos ya han empezado a rumorear sobre que podría contener datos del próximo personaje.
Por ahora son todo conjeturas, pero bien es cierto que es mucho peso para solo unos ajustes así…

Notas del parche (inglés)


Unsure of which role you want to play? Now, party members who queue for any game mode with Role Queue enabled can select multiple roles, indicating what they're willing to play in the next game.

Your other party members' role choices and Competitive Play skill ratings may affect which roles you are eligible to choose, or which role you can play. For example, if you selected all three roles (Tank, Damage, Healing) to indicate your willingness to play any of them, and then two other party members choose Support, you will not get to play Support in the next game.


  • Added a new hotkey, "Spectate toggle 3P camera side", which changes the shoulder you're looking over for the player you're spectating while using the simple third-person spectator camera option
  • Added a new hotkey, "Toggle normal / simple 3P spectator camera", which toggles between the two third-person camera modes while spectating
  • Updated the death camera to quickly shift from where you were looking to where your killer is, to make it easier to see if you were killed by someone behind you or to your side
  • Updated the simple third-person spectator camera position for several heroes to have them cover less of the screen
  • Fixed an issue that caused zooming in and out while in the simple third-person camera to appear choppy
  • Transitioning into or out of first person no longer causes the camera to clip inside the hero's head
  • Fixed several camera smoothness and popping issues



  • Fixed a bug that caused toggle crouch to work inconsistently when high precision mouse input is enabled
  • Workshop
  • Fixed an issue preventing Go To Assemble Heroes from working in Assault and Hybrid
  • Fixed an issue preventing Sombra Dummy Bots from being able to hack health packs


  • Temple of Anubis - Fixed a bug where some heroes could get stuck behind one of the rocks outside of point B
  • Eichenwalde - Fixed a bug that could cause Wrecking Ball to become temporarily stuck when using his Piledriver in a specific location
  • Junkertown - Fixed a bug that allowed some players to stand on a wall near the final checkpoint
  • Junkertown - Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra's Translocator and Baptiste's Immortality Field to land in an unintended place between the stairs and wall near point A
  • Dorado - Fixed a bug that caused the ivy growing on the wall between points A and B to block projectiles
  • Rialto - Fixed a bug that could cause Winston and Sigma to become stuck between the wall, bridge, and gondola outside of Point A
  • Watchpoint: Gibraltor - Fixed a bug that caused Baptiste's Immortality Field to disappear when thrown in a specific spot outside of the first Attacker's spawn



  • Fixed a bug that could cause Immortality Field to not deploy or get destroyed while deploying in some situations


  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy's gold staff and pistol to disappear while using Valkyrie when viewing in 3rd person


  • Fixed a bug allowing players to swap heroes while using Recall

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